Creating Base Salary Agreements

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Elements for Adding Base Salary Agreements

Field NameTypeComment
ContractIdStr 11Contract’s import code in Merit Palk system or employee’s Personal ID Code
SalaryTypeImpCodeIntSalary Type Code in Merit Palk system.
StartDate*DateAgreement start date
HoursDecimal 5.2Working hours per day
AmountDecimal 12.4Base salary tariff
AutoTimeKeepingBooltrue or false
FullWorkingTimeBooltrue or false
GLAccountCodeStr 32General Ledger Account Code. Must be found on Chart of Account in Merit Palk system. Ignored if missing.
DepartmentCodeStr 32Department Code. Must be found in Merit Palk system. Ignored if missing.
CCCodeStr 32Cost Center Code. Must be found in Merit Palk system. Ignored if missing.
ProjectCodeStr 32Project Code. Must be found in Merit Palk system. Ignored if missing.